Friday, June 22, 2018

Time for a Rant on Immigration.

Time for a rant on immigration, the basic tenant of this whole subject is totally lost to the Liberal Mind. All you here from them is border-less countries, take care of the poor refugees. Just who do you Liberals think is going to pay for that. Are you Crap Weasels going to rob Social Security again to pay for people breaking United States Law. They come here from South America and Mexico bring mixed in with them the dregs of society.  ( BEFORE YOU LIBERALS LOSE YOUR MIND I'M NOT SAYING ALL IMMIGRANTS ARE THE DREGS.)  Here's what I am saying Arrest border jumpers on the spot interview them and send them back to the other side of the border to wait. Mexico will surely do something to stop them from coming thru their country really quick. Don't break up families it is a disgrace, instead send them all back together.

Here's the thing you all are forgetting each and every one of us citizens pay for all the services these people get, They are predominately not taking care of themselves, between housing, medial, and necessities. I find it completely excusable that we have Veterans, Homeless, and citizens  living here that can't get help at all. The most important thing you are forgetting is that we are a Country of laws. A Democratic constitutional Republic.

Democrats for years have rallied around the call for controlling are borders! Now the only thing you are trying to accomplish is to use these poor bastards as a voting block to enable you to control things again so you can further your agenda to strip us of our constitutional rights and turn America into a third world Socialist or Communist shit hole of a Nation.

The Democratic party embraces some of the biggest racists in the world. Lets not forget for a single minute that the Democratic Party founded the KKK. You control cities like Chicago, and Detroit, and Flint and have had your way for years. What is there to show for it High Crime, High murder Rates. Dirty undrinkable water. I can go on and on, Democrats have done more to further race baiting then any other organization, exapmles, BLM one of the most racist organizations out there. Lets not forgot the Congressional Black Caucasus and it's embrace of that Puke Louis Farrakhan. 

The Democrates had better get up off their collective asses as they are losing ground rather quickly, with all of the false bullshitery coming from them. We need to stop boder jumping in it's entirety, build a wall get more resources in

I'm not gong to say that Republicans are much better as you all have seemed to forget you all work for us, The People Of The United States. We do not work for you.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


There is a movement that has emerged on the web where liberals are waking up opening their eyes and finally seeing the Democratic Party for the sacks of crap that they are. Don't get me wrong their are plenty of Republican sacks of crap as well.  Here I am only interested in one thing. 
That the government remains as small as possible and know's it's role according to our Constitution. 

For many years now our rights have been under assault.  It seems that power hungry politicians on both sides of the isle are plotting ways to remove rights from us, keep us at each others throats and lead us down the crimson path towards Socialism and Communism. I'll be dammed if things I work for will be taken away from me to be shared with some lazy do nothing individual. 

But I have gotten away from the reason for this post, which is to share with you the reasons why self professed liberals are awakening and coming to the conclusion that constitutional conservationism is the wave of the future which will bring this country back to greatness as the for fathers envisioned.   

Please view this video by the movements founder and hear for yourself the truth that is being realized about the agendas of the Democratic Party in this country.Walk Away

Feel free to leave a comment here and tell me what you think about the truth!

Time for a Rant on Immigration.

Time for a rant on immigration, the basic tenant of this whole subject is totally lost to the Liberal Mind. All you here from them is border...